In order to establish a multiple nested-PCR method that can be used for monitoring SRV/D-1 and STLV-1 simultaneously in captive rhesus monkey colony, two pairs of specific primers respectively for SRV/D-1 and STLV-1 according to retroviruses' conserved env gene region were designed. By adjusting and optimizing the PCR condition, the two retroviruses can be detected in the same PCR system at one time. The gene segments of the multiple nested-PCR products were 476 bp and 422 bp, and the gene sequencing were STLV-1 and SRV/D-1 respectively. The study showed that SRV/D-1 and STLV-1 could be detected simultaneously using our multiple nested-PCR, which had a lower cost, high sensitivity and specificity for monitoring retroviruses in rhesus monkey colony.
Sichuan Journal of Zoology