目的探讨经皮椎体成形术治疗老年骨质疏松性压缩骨折的临床应用价值。方法在C-臂X光机监控下采用经皮椎体成形术治疗老年骨质疏松压缩骨折患者35例。本研究共治疗41个椎体,对其进行临床和影像学观察评价。结果35例患者均获随访,术后随访平均8个月,其中24例患者术后胸腰背部疼痛立即消失,11例患者疼痛部分缓解;8例当日离床,27例次日离床,35例患者均于5 d内出院。术后X线片示伤椎内骨水泥均匀分布,无渗漏。术后3个月复查,疼痛无复发,X线片示椎体高度无进一步丢失。结论经皮椎体成形术具有显著的临床止痛效果和明显的微创优点,是治疗老年骨质疏松性椎体压缩骨折安全有效的方法。
Objective To evaluate the clinical effects and value of the percutaneous vertebra plasty(PVP) in the treatment of vertebra compress fracture ( VCF ) with osteoporosis in elderly. Methods 35 patients with VCF were treated by PVP. Among them, 29 cases underwent single vertebra injury and 6 cases underwent two vertebral injury, in total 14 vertebra were treated. Clinical and imaging features were evaluated. Results 35 cases were followed up, in whom 24 cases presented with immediate disapperance of chest pain and loin and back pain and 8 cases discharged from the hospital at the same time and 26 cases got up from the bed the following day, but after operation bone cement distributed evenly without leakage. The pain disappeared 3 months after operation and no pain reoccurred. X-ray showed no loss of the height of vertebra. Conclusion The PVP is a better method which is safe and effective for VCF.
China Medicine
Percutaneous vertebra plasty
Vertebra compress fracture