2005年3~4月和2006年3月,在黑龙江省大兴安岭呼中自然保护区,采用机械布点法随机设置样线,对原麝(Moschus moschiferus)冬季生境选择进行了研究。对海拔、乔木密度、雪深、隐蔽度、食物丰富度、坡度和倒木数量进行2个独立样本的Mann-Whitey U检验,找出生境利用样方与任意样方的生态因子的差异。U检验的结果表明,原麝冬季喜欢活动在相对海拔高、乔木密度小、雪层浅、隐蔽度高、坡度陡且喜食食物丰富的区域;对植被类型、坡位、坡向、距水源距离、距人为干扰距离、动物干扰和碎石坡7个名词性变量采用卡方(Chi-square)统计进行显著性检验,卡方检验的结果表明:原麝冬季偏好远离人为干扰、接近碎石坡、阳坡和其他动物干扰较少的针阔混交林中;对以上14个生态因子进行主成分分析,结果表明,前6个特征值的累计贡献率达到72·318%,可以较好地反映原麝生境特征,根据主成分分析结果,将原麝冬季生境选择影响因子分别命名为空间因子(海拔、坡度、距碎石坡距离)、干扰因子(距人为干扰距离、距水源距离)、坡向因子(坡向、乔木密度)、坡位因子(坡位、动物干扰)、食物因子(食物丰富度、隐蔽度)和倒木因子(倒木数量)。
Habitat selection of Siberian Musk Deer ( Moschus moschiferus ) in winter was studied from March to April of 2005 and March of 2006 in Huzhong Nature Reservation of Daxing' an Mountains, Heilongjiang Province. Ecological factors,elevation, tree density, snow depth, sheltering, food abundance, slope gradient, quantity of fallen logs were measured.Two-independent-samples Mann-Whitey U-test was employed to reveal the difference of ecological factors between used plots and random plots. Siberian Musk Deer preferred the locations at higher elevation with lesser tree density,shallower snow, higher sheltering, steeper slope and better food resource. Seven nominal variables, such as vegetation type, slope location, slope direction, distance to water source, distance from human disturbance, animal disturbance, detrital slope were measured at samples used and not used by the Siberian Musk Deer and tested by Chi-square statistic. The results of Chi-square test showed that Siberian Musk Deer preferred habitat was far from human disturbance,close to sunny detrital slope and less disturbance of other animals. Principal components analysis was performed on 14 upper ecological factors. The cumulative contribution of the first 6 principal components reached to 72.318% and these factors could represent the winter habitat features of Siberian Musk Deer. According to the results of principal component analysis, the influential factors for habitat selection of Siberian Musk Deer in winter were classified separately as spatial factors (elevation, slope gradient, detrital slope), disturbance factors (distance from human disturbance, distance to water source), slope direction factors (slope direction, tree density), slope location factors (slope location, animal disturbance), food factors (food abundance, sheltering class), fallen logs factor (quantity of fallen logs) .
Chinese Journal of Zoology
Siberian Musk Deer
Habitat selection
Daxing'an Mountains