TESS OF THE D’URBERVILLES《德伯家的苔丝》是英国著名现实主义作家Thomas Hardy的力作,也是命运悲剧小说的经典之作。他塑造了一位为追求自由,平等而愤然反抗的女性形象——Tess。本文将结合女性主义从Tess的女性身份地位的角度进行分析,揭示出在男权传统势力的压迫下女性的生存状况。Tess的悲剧必然性也正根源于此。
TESS OF THE D'RBERVILLES is a masterpiece written by Thomas Hardy, an well-known English realistic writer, and is also a classic tragedy. Hardy depicts for us a female image Tess, who sees for and rises in anger for freedom and equality. The paper, combining feminism, analyzes Tess' s female status and discloses women' s existence under the pressur of masculine traditional power, from which the inevitability of Tess' s tragedy just originates.