介绍了Solid Works环境下,利用VBA开发工具,实现圆柱凸轮三维参数化设计的方法与步骤。实现了从动件不同运动规律的圆柱凸轮的设计和建模,使建模过程大大简化,为后续的运行学仿真、动力学仿真、虚拟装配等奠定了良好的基础,具有较高实用价值。
Under Solid Works environment, uses the VBA development kit, realizes the cylindrical cams 3D parameterization design method and the step. Realized several kinds of cylindrical cams design and modeling. As a result, the efficiency, accuracy, and extent of intelligence of design and manufacture for this type of cams can be improved significantly.
Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique