
2001~2006年南海区婚检人群检验结果的调查与分析 被引量:1

To investigate and analyze of the checkouts of Nanhai District premarital consultation crowds
摘要 目的 通过对2001年~2006年南海区婚前检查人群检验结果的调查与分析,了解南海区婚检人群的变化及疾病的检出情况,为南海区制定婚检政策提供参考.方法 对2001年~2006年南海区婚检资料进行回顾性调查、统计和分析.结果 婚检人数随着强制性婚检政策的取消而呈急剧下降;HBsAg阳性率男性高达25.92%,女性高达18.73%;婚检双方中一方感染了乙型肝炎病毒,而另一方缺乏保护性抗体的人群男、女分别高达35.26%和32.91%;ALT升高在乙型肝炎病毒感染者中男性升高率为28.17%,女性为11.42%,显著高于非乙型肝炎病毒感染者,且男性显著高于女性;男、女地中海贫血筛查阳性率约10%,婚检双方均患有地中海贫血的有近1%;G6PD缺陷检出率为3.96%,男性高于女性;梅毒血清学试验阳性率为0.49%.结论 建议加强婚前检查的管理,以提高婚检的自觉性,对提高生活质量及提高出生人口素质有着重要的意义. Objective In order to get the message of the change and disease information of Nanhai District premarital consultation crowds , and to provide the reference to institute the policy of the premarital consultation, we investigated and analyzed the checkouts of Nanhai District premarital consultation crowds from 2001 to 2006 years. Methods We retrospectived review and analyzed the data of of Nanhai District premarital consultation crowds from 2001 to 2006 years. Results The number of premarital consultation crowds decreased sharp with the policy of the forced premarital consultation be cancelled. The positive rate of HBsAg is 25.92% of male and 18.73% of female ; There were 35.26% of male and 32.91% of female in one had been infected with HBV and the other didn't have the protection antibody. The positive rate of ALT is 28.17% of male and 11.42% of female with who had been infected with HBV,and it is higher than who hadn't been infected with HBV,and the positive rate of male is higher than female;The positive rate of mediterranean anemia is about 10% ,the double of the premarital consultation who had the mediterranean anemia is about 1%. The positive rate of G6PD is 3.96%, and the positive rate of male is higher than female; The positive rate of serologic test for syphilis is 0.49%. Conclusions We suggest to enhance the management of premarital consultation, boost the consciousness of premarital consultation crowds, boost the quality of life ,and boost the population diathesis of birth.
出处 《现代保健(医学创新研究)》 2007年第05X期1-3,共3页
关键词 婚前检查 乙型肝炎病毒 地中海贫血 Premarital consultation HBV Mediterranean anemia
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