[目的]做好疫情网络直报工作,提高疫情报告的质量。[方法]对2005年济宁市网络直报系统报告情况进行综合评价。[结果]收到传染病报告卡27 874张,其中来自县及以上医院21 062张,占75.56%;乡镇卫生院2 845张,占10.21%;其他单位3 967张,占14.23%;疾病预防控制机构101张,占0.62%。27 874张报告卡的未及时报告率为9.03%,未及时审核率为4.74%,重卡未及时剔除的4张,无县区传染病零缺报,疫情报告综合指数为3.44。[结论]传染病疫情网络直报的及时性、准确性较高,但各县(市、区)报告质量的差异较大。
[Objective]To strengthen the work of network report of infectious disease and increase the quahty ot report of communicable disease. [Methods]To analyze the reported data of infectious disease network reporting system of Jining in 2005. [Results]27 874 reporting cards of infectious disease were received. 21 062 reporting cards were from the hospitals at county levels,accounting for 75.56 %. 2 845 reporting cards were from the township hospitals, covering 10.21%. 101 reporting cards were from the center for disease control and prevention, with the ratio of 0.62 %. The others were from the other medical institutions, the proportion was 14.23%. The timely report rate of infectious disease was 90. 97 %. The timely confirming rate of infectious disease was 95.26%. 4 repeating cards were not rejected. None of infectious disease was missing. The comprehensive index of the report of infectious disease was 3.44. [Conclusion]The network report of infectious disease was very timely and accurate. But there were significant difference in the quality of report in different counties.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Network report of infectious disease