经过近30年的不断发展,以问题为基础学习(problem-based learning,简称PBL)的教学已经成为当今世界医学教育教学模式改革的主要流派之一,目前国内外已经公开发表的各种有关PBL的定性研究、定量研究文章数千余篇,但是尚未对PBL的教学效果形成公认的结论。循证医学是一种新兴的方法学,以最新、最佳的科研结果为基础,科学评价已有的研究结果。本文应用循证医学中的Meta分析对PBL教学效果的定量研究资料,进行了客观、全面和综合的分析。
Through 30 years' development, problem-based learning (PBL) has become one of the main streams of modem medical reform. Until now thousands of papers have been published in China as well as abroad about PBL, focusing both on quality research and quantity research. However, the people have not recognized the conclusion of the teaching impact. Evidence-based medicine is a new methodology, which is based on the latest scientific research result. It is a methodology that evaluates the clinical medicine literature through statistics. This paper uses Meta analysis of the evidence-based medicine, combining with the currently available PBL quantity research materials to research the teaching impact of PBL objectively and comprehensively.
Chinese Journal of Medical Education