Objective This study investigated the efficacy of tissue-engineered bone (osteogenie induced and BMP7 genetic modified BMSCs in a carrier of coral) in healing segmental defect of sheep femur. The objective was to explore one way of repairing long bone defect with tissue-engineering and molecular biology, and apply it in the future to the treatment of bone defect in clinic. Methods Isolated sheep BMSCs were in vitro induced with DMEM containing 10%FBS, 10-8M dexamethasone and 10mM 13-phosphoglycerol, or infected with BMP-7 adenovirus (100 pfu/cell). Defect in right femur were either repaired with coral construct plus induced cell (groupl, n=7) or construct plus BMP7 modified cells (group2, n=7). Bone healing was monitored by radiograph and histology at various time points and radiodensity quantification (F-test). Results In the defect by radiology, new bone was formed during months 1 to 4 with increased radiodensity in groupl, Engineered bone was remodeled into cortex bone at 8 months, abundant callus was formed in group2 as early as month 3, and the engineered bone was remodeled into cortex bone earlier than that of groupl. Although the radiodensity was higher than that of coral compounded with induced BMSCs, but there was not significantly difference (p=0.054), which could be explained for large vary of new bone formed in the implants of coral compounded with Adeno BMP7 infected BMSCs. Conclusion This study demonstrated that long bone tissue can be successfully engineered in sheep using induced or BMP7-genetic modified BMSCs and coral, and elicited the healing of critical-sized segmental bone defects in sheep. This local, or regional, approach to gene therapy may be particularly suitable for bone regeneration.
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Reconstructive Surgery