研究了固溶与时效工艺参数对新型铸造铝铜合金Al-4.5Cu-0.6Mn-0.3Ti-0.2Ce-0.1Zr组织与性能的影响,并讨论了其作用机理,认为固溶温度较低时(530℃)试样组织中易残留粗大的初生相,固溶温度较高时(540℃),试样易出现“过烧”。在给定的温度下,延长固溶时间可以使更多的初生相溶解,但当进行到一定程度、溶质扩散趋于稳定后,继续延长固溶时间对力学性能的提高并不明显。虽然提高时效温度会使强化效果加快,但也会显著降低试样的峰值强度,而且析出相的平均尺寸也会随之增大。推荐Al-4.5Cu-0.6Mn-0.3Ti-0.2Ce-0.1Zr合金的固溶与时效工艺为:535℃×16 h,50-60℃水冷+165℃×9 h,其相应的力学性能为σb=494.1MPa,δ5=4.9%,硬度为130 HB,分别比铸态提高了60.2%、32.4%、19.3%。
The effects of solution and aging process parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a new type of casting Al-Cu alloy were investigated. The discussion on the reaction mechanism during the heat treatment process indicated that large initial phases remain in the sample at lower solid solution temperature of 530 ℃ ,while "over burning" occurs at higher temperature of 540 ℃. At a given temperature, prolonging the solid solution time makes more initial phases being dissolved. However, when dissolve proceeds to some extent that solute diffusion arrives at steady state, fur,: ther Prolonged solution time has no evident effect on improvement of mechanical properties. Although increasing aging temperature leads to quickening the aging reinforcing function, it reduces the peak strength value. Moreover, the average size of precipitation phase increases with increasing the aging temperature. The recommended heat treatment process for Al-4. 5Cu-0. 6Mn-0. 3Ti-0. 2Ce-0. 1Zr alloy is:solutionized at 535 % for 16 h and water quenched at 50 -60 ℃, then aged at 165 ℃ for 9 h. The corresponding mechanical properties of the alloy are σb =494. 1 MPa,85 =4. 9% and 130 HB,which,compared with that of the as-cast alloy was improved by 60. 2% ,32.4% and 19. 3% ,respectively.
Heat Treatment of Metals
casting aluminium-copper alloy
solid solution and aging treatment
mechanical properties