目的:确定Sysmex XE-2100全自动血细胞分析仪检测正常成人静脉血细胞参考值。方法:用Sysmex XE-2100全自动血细胞分析仪及原装试剂对260名健康成年人(男女各半)的空腹静脉血细胞24项参数进行参考范围调查,并将所得数据进行统计学分析。结果:测定参数共有24项,分别是:WBC(×109/L)、RBC(×1012/L)、HGB(g/L)、HCT(%)、MCV(fl)、MCH(pg)、MCHC(g/L)、PLT(×109/L)、NEUT(%)、LYMPH(%)、MONO(%)、EO(%)、BASO(%)、NEUT(#)、LYMPH(#)、MONO(#)、EO(#)、BASO(#)、RDW-CV(%)、RDW-SD(fl)、PDW(fl)、MPV(fl)、P-LCR(%)和PCT(%)。结论:调查结果与《全国临床检验操作规程(第2版)》提供的参考范围存在一定的差异,因此,各实验室有必要根据具体情况建立各自的血细胞参考范围。
Objective To establish the reference range of venous blood measured by Sysmex XE -2100 hematology analyzer in healthy adults. Methods With Sysmex XE -2100 hematology analyzer,we randomly studied the reference range of 24 venous blood cells parameters in 260 healthy adults (half male and female), then analyzed the results. Results The 24 blood cells parameters are WBC ( × 10^9/L), RBC ( × 10^12/L), HGB (g/L), HCT ( % ), MCV ( fL), MCH ( pg), MCHC ( g/L), PLT ( × 10^9/L), NEUT( % ), LYMPH ( % ), MONO ( % ), EO ( % ), BASO ( % ), NEUT (#), LYMPH (#), MONO (#), EO (#), BASO (#), RDW-CV( % ), RDW-SD(fL), PDW(fL), MPV(fL), P-LCR( % ) andPCT( % ). Conclusion There was little difference between reference range measured by Sysmex XE - 2100 and reported by National Rules of Operation of Clinical Laboratory Regulation Examination( secondary edition), so the establishment of the reference range of venous blood measured by its automated hematology analyzers is necessary for laboratory itself.
Journal of Practical Medical Techniques