
中国本土企业自主创新的路径模式探讨 被引量:26

A Research on Trajectories of Indigenous Innovation in Chinese Local Firms
摘要 中国本土企业技术创新面临严峻的结构性问题,问题解决的关键是从自主创新战略的高度对自主创新的路径选择做出解答。基于创新演化理论,本文从技术机会、自主创新决策、市场选择结果三者之间的关系得出中国本土企业自主创新的路径选择框架,从该框架出发,本文在传统“熊皮特创新模式”的基础上,创造性地提出了技术后发国家企业的两种自主创新模式,即“拓展性破坏模式”和“突破性强化模式”,并通过中集案例加以说明。 There are serious structural problems in indigenous innovation process of Chinese local firms. It is believed that the point is the strategy directing the trajectories of indigenous innovation. According to evolutionary innovation theory, this work comes to a framework including elements of innovation opportunity, strategic decision and result of market competition. Based on the framework, this paper proposed two additional patterns, i.e. pattern of extending destroy (PED) and pattern of radical enhancing (PRE) with the original two patterns, named “Schumpeter Mark I&II”. The two developed patterns were tested in two cases from the company of international marine container (CIMC).
作者 陈劲 王方瑞
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期49-58,共10页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家自然科学基金主任基金项目资助 项目编号:70641028
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