Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics, neuroradiological findings, pathology and treatment of patients with subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA). Methods A series of 12 patients with SEGA were reviewed between September 1996 and August 2004. The pathology, clinical presentations, CT and MRI, diagnosis, treatment and pmguosis of patients with SEGA were analyzed. Resttlts ( 1 ) The tumor typically affects teenager, and there was a male predominance ( male-to-female ratio = 3:1 ). "epiloia" and neurologic deficiency was the first presentations. Five of 12 cases with SEGA were concomitant of tuberous sclerosis complex. (2) Imageology CT characteristically demonstrated a oval or irregular type nodular heterogeneity hypoindense lesion in the region of the subependymal membrane or nearby Monro's formnen in the most Patients with SEGA, but presented as iseindense or hyperindense a few cases, which usually accompanied with multiple poits or nodular calcifications in subependymal membrane. MRI shown that isointense on T1 weighted and T2 weighted in the majority Patients, but a few cases as hyperintense on T1 weighted and hypointense on T2 weighted . The lesion surrounding no or a few vasogenic edema was found. The heterogeneity contrast-enhancing lesions shown on CT or MRI in all the patients with SEGA. ( 3 ) It was very important to differentiate SEGA from subependymoma, subependymal nodular, epedymoma and choroid plexus papiloma. (4) If the lesion was completely removed by surgery, the radiotherapy and chemotherapy were not necessary after operation, prognosis was satisfied. Conclusion Majority of SEGA belongs to a specific benign tumor of the brain. It is easier to diaguosis as astrocytoma type I, which is associated with a favorable clinical outcome, especially if completely excised.
Chinese Journal of Neurosurgery