
基于程序性、规范性特征的知识工作结构及绩效分析 被引量:2

Analysis on Knowledge Work Structure and Performance Based on the Characteristic of Procedurement and Standardization
摘要 从知识工作的非程序性和非规范性的基本特征分析入手,建立基于程规性特征的知识工作结构体系。指出知识工作的程规性特征本质上不同于泰勒对体力劳动的研究,创新和把握顾客情感等知识工作内容作为影响知识工作生产率的重要因素,不能也不应该对其实行完全程规化,而应借助于信息技术来实现对该类因素的促进作用,进而达到提高生产率的目标。最后指出,知识工作程规化过程存在着“阈效应”,在有效边界内不断对知识工作进行程序化、规范化的过程正是知识工作生产率逐步提高的重要途径,从而为知识工作生产率研究提供一个全新的研究视角。 Based on the basic analyses of knowledge work's non-procedure and non-standard characteristic, this paper establishes a structure system of knowledge work and points out that the characteristic of knowledge work is different from that of Taylor's research on scientific management to the manual labor. Innovation and the understanding on customer's emotion and so on, which are the important elements to knowledge work productivity, can't and shouldn't be standardized absolutely, but by information technologics to promote these elements to reach the goal of improving productivity. At last, the paper points out that there exists a "threshold effect" in the standardization process of knowledge, and that carrying on the process of the Procedurement and standardization to the knowledge work continuously in a valid boundary is just the way to improve knowledge work productivity. This paper provides an absolutely new angle of view on knowledge work productivity research.
作者 杨丹 戴昌钧
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第5期74-77,共4页 Library and Information Service
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"知识员工生产率管理理论及其在我国企业的实现途径研究"(项目编号:70172030) 上海市科委博士论文创新基金资助项目"基于信息技术的知识工作生产率研究"(项目编号:2006017)研究成果之一
关键词 知识工作 绩效 程序化 规范化 knowledge work performance procedurement standardization
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