
上颌复合体两种工况下上颌窦区三维有限元分析 被引量:2

Three-dimensional finite element analysis of the maxillary sinus region under the same load in different conditions
摘要 目的:了解正常上颌复合体在不同状态相同载荷条件下,上颌窦区的应力分布变化情况,进一步探讨其本身的生物力学行为特征。方法:在自主建立的三维有限元模型基础上,利用ANSYS软件分别模拟张口位和正中咬合时上颌复合体的边界条件,计算并绘制出2种工况下上颌窦区各种应力的数据和图像。结果:正常上颌窦在正中咬合和张口位2种状态下,双侧第一磨牙受垂直集中压力作用,其各部位应力值均较小;当受到相同的载荷作用时,应力大小是不相等的。正中咬合时应力值小于张口位。结论:正常上颌窦各壁应力值在2种工况下均远远小于加载力,其中张口位应力分布不如正中咬合时均匀。 Objective: To find the changes of stress distribution in the maxillary sinus region of normal maxillary complex under different conditions, and explore the feature of biomechanical reaction of this complex. Methods: Simulating the different boundary conditions at open-mouth position and during centric occluding, the characters of stress distribution are analyzed and compared by three dimensional finite element method. Results: The values of stresses in normal maxillary sinus during centric occluding and at open-mouth position are very small. But the stress at open-mouth position is much higher than that during centric occluding under the same loading. Conclusion: Maxillary complex may play the role of dispersing applied concentrated forces. The function of maxillary sinus must be considered during the study process of maxillary complex biomechanics.
出处 《中华老年口腔医学杂志》 2007年第2期88-89,108,共3页 Chinese Journal of Geriatric Dentistry
关键词 上颌复合体 生物力学 有限元法 应力分析 maxillofacial biomechanics finite element method stress analysis
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