
媒介身份研究的基本理论架构 被引量:6

The Basic Theoretical Framework of Media Identity Studies
摘要 媒介身份研究受益于现代哲学的身份认知、系统论和角色-功能理论等丰厚的知识传统,试图面对当代社会的种种变化,把媒介作为具有集体自我意识和反思性的“行动者”,考察身份形成和各种因素之间的复杂互动关系。此研究方法建立在全景全息视野、规范背景与自组织原则、复杂性思维和以人为本等核心理念的基础上,形成了一个相对完整的当代媒介理解和分析的时空动态架构;其研究范畴可以粗略地分为宏观的媒介状态描述、中观的各类媒介分析和微观的媒介人分析;并尝试结合多种具体的研究方法。同时,如果能够以一种广义“媒介”的视野来深入思考,可以发展出一种全新的社会学研究方法。 Media identity study takes media as an agent with collective self-determination and reflexivity through a form of metaphor, and reviews the complex interactive relation of media's composing, action and identity. This view is not fabricated without foundation. Contemporary media is confronted with a series of challenges as market economy, globalization, new media and active audience, etc. It needs new forms of cognition. In the meantime, because of the reflection of media people, media has an organic reflexivity in its diffusing act and it also has a certain identity. More importantly, identity is taken as a cognition tool and method has a rich and generous knowledge tradition. Identity is the result of the Western philosophic tradition. System theory is an important theoretical basis for identity study. The role theory of the traditional school in communication studies has indicated a feel of identity and it will inevitably develop into an identity theory. edge tradition, media id ways reviews study ob Canonical Background and Self-organizing Principle can entity study is based on four core faiths ject with a whole and holistic form; make media achieve a canonical and balanceable situation, Complexity Theory means nonlinear thinking mode, i.e. , thinking in oppositions and paradoxes, and admitting chaos and indetermination; Human-oriented stresses the importance of human being as behavior subject and reflection subject. Based on the understanding of the concept of identity and the influence which media will be likely to confront, we can simply describe the basic structure of media identity. Enwrapped with general culture and lying among time and space, actual and idea system, other and ego, media identity lies in the complex and interactive middle-zone. Its study category will not only be limited to the media field, but should start from the focus of the media, and penetrate the broad field of society and culture with detailed study methods. Following this kind of pondering, studying the concept of intermediu
作者 邱戈
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2007年第3期191-199,共9页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 浙江省社会科学基金资助项目(06JDCB003YB)
关键词 媒介身份研究 合法性 核心理念 研究范畴 研究方法 media identity study validity core faith study category study method
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