目的:建立毛细管气相色谱法同时测定工作场所空气中多种有机溶剂的方法。方法:用活性碳吸附管采集空气中有机溶剂,CS2解吸,经FFAP毛细管色谱柱分离,以氢火焰离子化检测器检测。结果:方法可同时测定工作场所空气中33种有机溶剂,回归方程相关系数为0.995-1.0000,检测限为0.15-8.0 mg/m3之间,各峰高和保留时间变异系数在1.2%-6.0%之间。结论:所建立的方法对工作场所空气中多种有机溶剂组份分离度好,检测快速、灵敏,有较好的精密度与准确度,有利于工作场所空气有害因素监测。
Objective:To determine the organic solvents in the air of workplace. Methods:The method was based on the adsorption of organic solvents on activated charcoal,desorption with CS2 and analysis of the abtained solution by FFAP capillary GC with FID detector. Results:The method could determine 33 organic solvents in the air of workplace at the same time,the correlation coefficents of regression equations were 0. 995 -1. 000,the detectabilities were 0. 15 -8.0 mg/m^3, the CV of the height and retention time of each peak were 1.2%- 6. 0%. Conclusion:The decribed method separating 33 organic solvents in the air of workplace satisfactorily is fast and sensitive with satisfied precision and accuracy.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology