While jejunoileal diverticula are rare and often asymptomatic, they may lead to chronic non-specific or acute symptoms. The large majority of complications present with an acute abdomen similar to appendicitis, cholecystitis or colonic diverticulitis but they also may appear with atypical symptoms. As a result, diagnosis of complicated jejunoileal diverticulosis can be quite difficult, and may solely depend on the result of surgical exploration. In the absence of contra-indications, diagnostic laparoscopy has the benefit of thorough examination of the abdominal contents and helps to reach an absolute diagnosis. Surgical resection of the involved small-bowel segment with primary anastomosis is the preferred treatment in patients with symptomatic complicated jejunoileal diverticular disease. An atypical presentation of complicated jejunal diverticulitis in conjunction with sigmoid diverticulitis diagnosed with laparoscopy and treated with surgical resection is presented.
当 jejunoileal 憩室稀罕、经常无征状时,他们可以导致长期的非特定或尖锐的症状。与类似于阑尾炎,胆汁或结肠的憩室炎而是他们的急腹症在场的复杂并发症的大多数可以也与不正常的症状出现。作为结果,复杂 jejunoileal 憩室形成的诊断能是相当困难的,并且可以完全取决于外科的探索的结果。当禁止徵候不在时,诊断腹腔镜检查有腹的内容和帮助的彻底的检查的利益到达绝对诊断。有主要吻合的深奥小肠的片断的外科的切除术是在有征兆的复杂 jejunoileal 的病人的比较喜欢的治疗憩室的疾病。与与腹腔镜检查诊断并且与外科的切除术对待的 S 字形的憩室炎一起的复杂空肠憩室炎的一个不正常的演讲被介绍。