Suppose that the distribution of the lifetime of products follows the two parameter exponential law, under the stress (S 1i , S 2j ), the failure rate accelerated model and the life guarantee accelerated model are ln θ ij =β 0+β 1φ 1(S 1i )+β 2φ 2(S 2j )+β 3φ 1(S 1i )φ 2(S 2j ) andu ij =α 0-α 1f 1(S 1i )-α 2f 2(S 2j ) i=1,2,…,l; j=1,2,…,k In this paper, we have given the method of estimating and testing the coefficients β 0, β 1, β 2, β 3, α 0, α 1 and α 2 with the datas of accelerated life test using two alternate step stress. Using the two models, we can obtain the estimators of the various reliability characteristics under the usual stress (S 10 , S 20 ), the results of random simulation show that the method given above is of more high precision.
Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics