脂磷法是目前应用较为广泛的一种测定生物量的方法,为证明该方法的测定结果能够代表活性生物量,采用不同的消毒剂量(0.10~2.20 mg/L)和接触时间(0~120 min),对生物膜和土壤样品的生物量同时用HPC法和脂磷法进行了测定。结果表明,两种方法所得生物量的变化趋势大体一致,尤其是在高消毒剂量下,当基于培养的HPC法不能测定出可培养生物量时,脂磷法的测定结果也为零,表明脂磷法的测定结果也可以代表样品中活性生物量的水平;而在低消毒剂量下脂磷法的测定结果远远高于HPC法的,进一步说明了脂磷法在测定不可培养型活性生物量方面具有优势。
Lipid -P method is widely used in determining the biomass in water treatment processes. In order to test if lipid - P can represent the viable biomass, HPC and lipid - P methods were applied simultaneously to measure the biomass of biofilm and soil samples under the disinfection conditions of different dosage (0. 10 to 2.20 mg/L of active chlorine) and contact time (0 to 120 min). The results of these two methods show the same tendency in the biomass changes during the disinfection process under either low or high dosage conditions. Especially when the cuhurable biomass can not be found through HPC under the high dosages, the results of lipid - P method are also around zero. The results suggest that the lipid - P method can determine the viable biomass since the biomass obtained from HPC must be viable. Furthermore, the results of lipid - P method under low disinfection dosages are much higher than those of HPC, which indicates the former is superior to the later in determining the biomass of VBNC microbes.
China Water & Wastewater