
采用红外热扫描成像系统研究归胃经寒性中药对胃热证大鼠的热效应 被引量:21

Thermal Effects of Cold & Cool Traditional Chinese Medicine of Channel Tropism of Stomach on Stomach-heat Syndrome Rats Using Thermal Texture Maps System
摘要 目的:利用红外热扫描成像(thermal texture maps,TTM)系统探讨归胃经寒性中药对胃热证大鼠全身不同部位热效应的影响。方法:用干姜水煎剂连续灌胃大鼠(5 g.kg-1.d-1)15天,造成胃热证模型,再分别予以黄连、蒲公英、石斛、枳实4味寒性中药水煎剂分大、小剂量治疗10天,采用TTM仪测定造模及治疗前后大鼠全身各部位的热效应变化情况。结果:与造模前比较,胃热证大鼠的中腹、上腹部温度有非常显著的升高(P<0.01),头、颈、左腋下、胸、温度有显著的升高(P<0.05)。治疗10天后,与胃热证模型组比较,黄连大小剂量组的头、左腋下、胸部及大剂量组的颈部温度显著降低(P<0.05),中腹和上腹部温度非常显著降低(P<0.01);蒲公英大小剂量组的左腋下、胸、中腹、上腹部在治疗后的温度显著降低(P<0.05),而大剂量组的头、颈部在治疗后的温度亦显著降低(P<0.05);石斛大剂量组的左腋下、中腹、上腹部及小剂量组的中腹、上腹部温度在治疗后显著降低(P<0.05);枳实组中,仅大剂量组的左腋下、上腹部温度在治疗后显著降低(P<0.05)。结论:大鼠灌胃干姜煎剂造成胃热证模型后,全身多部位温度明显升高,但经黄连、蒲公英、石斛、枳实这4味寒性中药治疗后,各部位温度又降低。大鼠体温降低的程度因药物而异,药物寒性越强,温度降低的部位多且程度大;药物寒性弱,则温度降低的部位少、程度低,且对大鼠全身各部位热效应的影响以上腹部及中腹部最为明显。 Objective: Thermal effects of traditional chinese medicine of channel tropism of stomach on stomach-heat syndrome rats' different body parts were studied using the thermal texture maps system. Methods. Decoction made by Rhizoma zingeberis was used to fill the stomach of rats for 15 days at 5 g · kg^-1·d^-1 in order to modeling stomach-heat syndrome, then decoction made by four chinese medicine: Rhizoma coptidis, Herbed taraxaci, Herba dendrobii and Fractus aurantii immaturus were used to treat the syndrome for 10 days at high and low dosage, thermal effects of different body parts before and after modeling or treatment were measured using the thermal texture maps system. Results: Compared with those rats before modeling, temperatures in mid-abdomen and upper abdomen of stomach-heat syndrome rats rised up conspicuously( P 〈 0.01 ), and those in head, neck, left fore-armpit, breast rised up obviously( P 〈 0. 05 ) o After 10 days treatment, temperatures were statistically lower in neck, left fore-armpit and breast, but remarkably lower in mid-abdomen and upper abdomen for those filled with Rhizoma coptidis at high or low dosage, compared with the modeling group, and they were the same in neck just for the group filled at high dosage. For herba taraxaci group at high or low dosage, temperatures were statistically lower( P 〈 0.05 ) in left fore-armpit, breast, mid-abdomen and upper abdomen, and they were also statistically lower( P 〈 0.05 ) in head and neck for the group at high dosage. For herba dendrobii group at high dosage, temperatures were statistically lower( P 〈 0.05 ) in left fore-armpit, mid-abdomen and upper abdomen, and only in mid-abdomen and upper abdomen, and they were statistically lower for groups at low dosage. For fractus aurantii immaturus group, temperatures were statistically lower( P 〈 0.05 )only in left fore-armpit and upper abdomen parts. Conclusion:After modeling stomach-heat syndrome rat by filling stomach with decoction made by rhizoma zingebe
出处 《激光生物学报》 CAS CSCD 2007年第2期179-185,共7页 Acta Laser Biology Sinica
关键词 红外热扫描成像系统 归胃经寒性中药 胃热证大鼠 全身热效应 stomach-heat syndrome rat compound cold & cool traditional chinese medicine of channel tropism of stomach thermal texture maps (TTM) system thermal effects of whole body
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