
美国中小学阶段特殊教育安置的趋势分析 被引量:10

Trends in Special Education Placement for the Primary and Secondary Schools in U.S.
摘要 基于全纳教育政策,美国为障碍儿童提供了4大类全纳程度不同的安置方式。经过多年的实践,已形成了比较稳定并具有一定合理性的安置模式。以学生的最佳发展为目标,不同类别的残疾学生在安置上差别很大。非智力落后或轻度感官障碍类学生以普通班级为主,智力落后类和重度感官障碍类的学生则以分离班级和资源教室的安置为主,全国60多万智力落后的中小学生中只有约10%被安置在普通班级里。 Based on the policy of inclusive education, the United States provides 4 major types of educational environments for children with disabilities. With years of practice, a rather stable and reasonable model of placement has been developed. To achieve optimal development of the students, students with different types of disabilities are allocated to different classes. Students with normal intelligence or mild sensory impairment axe mainly allocated to regular classes. Mentally - retarded students and those with severe sensory impairment are taught separately in "resources classes". Among the 600,000 mentally- retarded primary and secondary school students, only around 10 percent of them are placed in regular classes.
作者 余强
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期41-45,共5页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
关键词 全纳教育 安置 资源教室 分离环境 Inclusive education placement resource room separate environment
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