
蜜蜂基因组研究进展 被引量:5

The Progress on Honeybee Genome Research
摘要 蜜蜂授粉对农业生产和全球生态起重要的作用,蜜蜂也是研究社会行为和学习记忆导航行为的模式生物,其简单的脑部结构和卓越的学习记忆能力又为神经生物学家提供了绝好的研究模型,此外,蜜蜂可以成为免疫、过敏、精神疾病和长寿等试验的研究模型。本文从蜜蜂的基因组序列、基因组结构、发育、级型分化及繁殖衰老、基因调节、群体遗传学等方面综述了蜜蜂基因组研究的最新进展。 Honeybees have become a very attractive model organism, it attribute that honeybees not only have a very important effect on agricultural production and global ecology, but also are a very important model to study on social behavior and learning, memory, navigation behaviors. Its simple brain structure and superexcellent learning and memory ability provide a very good research model to neurobiologist. In addition, honeybees can also become a research model for immunity, hypersusceptibility, mental disease and longevity. This paper reviews recent studies on honeybee genome research with respect to honeybee genome sequencing, genome structure, bees' development, reproduction, aging, gene regulation and population genetics.
出处 《中国蜂业》 2007年第4期9-12,共4页 Apiculture of China
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.30571409)
关键词 蜜蜂(Apis mellifera) 基因组 研究进展 Honeybee (Apis mellifera) Genome Research progress
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