For honey bee biologists around the world, the "post-genomic era" started with the publication of the honey bee genome in the British journal Nature on Oct 26, 2006. Costing about 8 million US dollars, and about two years to complete, this is a major undertaking by the Baylor College of Medicine. The actual annotation of the genome was done by 170 scientists representing 15 countries and 64 laboratories and took almost another two years. The waiting is worthwhile: finally with the genome published, any biologists with internet access can do their own "datamining" and test their own hypotheses using the publicly accessible resources. In fact, more than half of the 50 or so papers published the same week as the Nature bee genome paper in the companion journals, which include Science, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, Genome Research and Insect Molecular Biology, are based on bioinformatics. Honey bees share many common features as humans: division of labor, elaborate communication systems including languages, guarding and defense systems, architecture and finally serf sacrifice to defend their common good. The publication of honey bee genome will enable scientists to learn about honey bee biology as well as our own biology, because of these similarities.
Entomological Knowledge
honey bee, genome, sequencing