Studies on mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria continue to be a key area in biomedical sciences. This has been demonstrated in the advances achieved in 2006, which are attributed, for example, to the following aspects: structural elucidation of the transport mechanisms of multidrug resistance transporters with identification of novel drug efflux pumps or of novel regulatory mechanisms of drug pumps, discovery of a quinolone-modifying enzyme, the worldwide emergence of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance, further understanding of staphylococcal resistance and the discovery of platensimycin active against multidrug resistant gram-positive cocci, identification of a resistance genomic island in Acinetobacter baumannii, characterization of novelβ-lactamases, and emergence of extended-spectrum β-lactamases in animal-derived bacteria. Key observations from the studies in 2006 in China are also described. The results presented continue to demonstrate the evolutionary capability of bacteria in their adaptation to various antimicrobials via diverse and mobile genetic elements. Prudent use of antimicrobial drugs for minimizing the further emergence and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance and prolonging the life span of antimicrobial drugs is certainly a daunting long-term challenge.
Chinese Journal of Antibiotics