
苏联对犹政策的历史考察 被引量:5

A Historical Research into the Policy of the Soviet Union towards the Jews
摘要 历届苏联政府对犹政策的形成与演变,蕴涵着深刻的社会条件和时代背景,这里既有苏联党内斗争、俄苏社会根深蒂固的民族沙文主义和反犹传统的影响,以及其他苏联国内社会经济因素的作用,又存在苏联面临的国际环境中反苏反共势力的兴风作浪、东西方冷战,以及中东阿以冲突等各种国际因素的制约。由于特定的国内和国际因素,70多年苏联政府对犹政策经历了左右摇摆的变化过程,犹太人问题成为这个多民族国家尖锐而敏感的民族问题之一。戈尔巴乔夫处理犹太移民问题上的失策,也成为其改革失败、加速苏联崩溃的一个重要因素。苏联对犹政策的演变,显然为社会主义多民族国家民族政策的实施提供了借鉴与启迪。 The policy formation and evolvement of the Soviet Union towards the Jews was grounded in the profound social and historical background. For example, on the one hand, there were the inner party disputes, the deep-rooted national Chauvinism, the influence of anti-Jew tradition and other economic factors within the country; on the other hand, there is interference of the anti-communist force, the restriction of the cold war between the east and the west, and other international influence. All the national and international factors have shaped the vacillating attitude of its policy towards the Jews. The false policy of Mikhail Gorbachev in dealing with the Jewish issue constituted an important factor of the failure of his reform and disintegration of the Soviet Union, which can be considered as a lesson to be learned by multi-national socialist countries in implementing their national policy.
作者 余建华 康璇
出处 《史林》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期157-164,共8页 Historical Review
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