Schottky barrier GaN ultraviolet detectors are fabricated with a very low reverse saturation current density of 5. 5 × 10^14A/cm^2 and very large Schottky barrier height of 1.18eV. The spectral responsivity of the detector at 0V and reverse bias was measured. There are no significant changes in the responsivity at reverse bias voltage. The peak responsivity of the detector at 0V is 0. 214A/W at a wavelength of 358. 2nm. The spatial photoresponse was measured by 359nm light beam scanning across the photosensitive area of the detector at 0V and - 3V. The changes in the photoresponse are no more than 0.6% in the central portion of the photosensitive area at biases of 0V and - 3V. The Schottky barrier height decreases with nearband-edge ultraviolet illumination,especially near the transparent Schottky contact and near the Schottky contact pad. The open circuit voltage of the detector with 368nm light illumination is less than that with both 368 and 810nm light illumination, but the photocurrent of the detector with 368nm light illumination is nearly equal to that with both 368 and 810nm light illumination at 0V. The variation in occupied trap concentration at the GaN surface is estimated to be 8.4 × 10^10 cm^2 by the difference of the open circuit voltage of the detector between cases of illumination with 368nm light and 368nm + 810nm light.
Schottky barrier
ultraviolet detector
open circuit voltage, near-band-edge
surface states