采用DUO-ICP-AES同时测定精对苯二甲酸中钴、铬、铁、锰、钼、镍、钛,并对仪器的分析线选择、背景校正、入射功率、雾化器压力、辅助气流量、冷却气流量、蠕动泵转速的影响及共存元素的干扰、硝酸铯灰化助剂等因素进行了详细的研究。方法的检测限:钴0.0097 mg/L;铬0.0021 mg/L;铁0.0078 mg/L;锰0.0012 mg/L;钼0.0027 mg/L;镍0.016 mg/L;钛0.0027 mg/L,回收率和精密度分别为93.0%~99.5%和0.37%~3.2%。该方法快速简便,具有良好的精密度和准确度,适用于进出口精对苯二甲酸的日常检验。
A method for the simultaneous determination of Co, Cr,Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Ti in PTA was developed using DUO-ICP- AES. The factors such as the selection of analytical wavelengths, the correction of the background, the influence of instrument parameters including the power, atomizer pressure, auxiliary gas flowrate, cooling gas rate, analytical pump rotational speed, and the interference of ashing accelerator such as cesium nitrate and coexistent elements have been invested. The detection limits of the method were 0.009 7 mg/L for Co,0.002 1 mg/L for Cr,0.007 8 mg/L for Fe,0.001 2 mg/L for Mn,0.002 7 mg/L for Mo,0.016 mg/L for Ni,and 0.002 1 mg/L for Ti.The repeatability and precision of the method were in the range of 93.0% - 99.5% and 0.37% - 3.2% ,respectively. The method was simple and rapid with satisfactory precision and was suitable for daily inspection of imported and exported PTA.
Chemical Reagents