从形成均匀预混合气及着火后具有良好化学反应动力学效应的角度出发,在单缸135直喷式柴油机上采用双收口型燃烧室、P型喷油泵、预喷射、伞喷油嘴、乳化柴油及乙醇柴油等方法,对实现均质充量压缩着火(homogeneous charge compression ignition,HCCI)燃烧的多种途径进行了对比试验。结果表明:应用伞喷油嘴有效促进了着火前缸内均质预混合气的形成,具有进一步在小排量增压中冷、高压电喷柴油机上推广的潜力;通过燃料设计可控制着火在上止点附近并提高燃烧速率,有利于实现高效、低排放的近似等压预混合燃烧方式。
From the perspective of forming homogeneous premixed gas and having well chemical reaction kinetics effect after ignition, comparison experiments of different approaches which can achieve HCCI (homogeneous charge compression ignition) combustion mode were carried out on a 135 single-cylinder diesel engine with double contract annular chamber, P-pump, pro-injection mode, conical spray nozzle and emulsified oil and diesohol. Experiment results indicate : application of conical spray nozzle can effectively improve the form of homogeneous premixed gas in cylinder before ignition and it has the potential of extending in small swept volume diesel engine with inter-cooling and high pressure electronic-controlled injection; ignition can be adjust to near TDC and combustion velocity can be advanced by means of fuel design, it is good for achieving the effective and low-emission approximately constant pressure premixed combustion mode.
Journal of Thermal Science and Technology