本文介绍了从哈尔滨市郊区大猿叶虫 Colaphellus bowringeBaly 成虫体内分离出的一种微孢子虫。用光学显微镜和电镜观察其形态和各发育阶段,并对寄主范围及侵染特性等进行了研究。孢子呈长卵圆形,大小5.38±0.45μm×2.65±0.23μm。孢子外壁厚约6.25nm,内壁厚约156nm。极丝管状,外径约108.8nm,绕核13~15圈。长约为孢子长的10~15倍。该孢子虫主要侵染寄主的马氏管、脂肪体、血细胞和气管基质等组织。自然寄生率达61%。实验室条件下尚可感染草地螟和马铃薯瓢虫,并在体内完成各阶段的发育。
A microsporidan parasite of the genus Nosema(Microsporida:Nosematidae)was isolated From the adult cruciferus leaf beetle(Colaphellus bowringi Baly)in Harbin.Its mophology and life cycle stages were examined with(the optical and electron microscopes.Spores were mammifested ovocylindrical in shape,they were measured 5.38±0.45×2.65±0.23 μm in size. Its outer wall was about 62.5 nm,and inner wall 156 nm in thickness.The polar filament was coiled 13~15 spirals in the peripheral region of the diplokaryon,its length was about 10~ 15 times as that of spores.Spores were found to occur in infected host tissues,especially in fat body and Malpighian tubules.The infection rate within natural population of adult C. bowringi was about 61%.It was also infectious to Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata Coleoptera:Coccinellidae)and Loxostege sticticalis(Lepidoptera:Pyralidae)and was able to complete development in these insect hosts in laboratory condition.The results indicated that Nosema sp.is a potential microbial control agent for the pests mentioned above.
Crucifcrus lcaf bcctlc(Colaphellus bowringi Baly)
Nosema sp
microbial control