给出了一种匹配良好的宽带微带均衡器的设计。它由在枝节上加载了薄膜电阻的微带枝节谐振器构造而成。通过大量的试验和仿真研究了电阻值对谐振器的影响。当加载薄膜电阻在枝节谐振器上时,可以得到可调的品质因数。利用HFSS分析可以看到电阻加载的枝节谐振器不仅频率可调,而且衰减可调、品质因数可调。文中利用四个加载了不同阻值的枝节谐振器得到了一个12 GHz带宽的微带均衡器,给出了结构图和特性曲线。结果表明这种加载电阻的谐振器结构很适合宽带微带均衡器设计。
In this paper, the design of a well matched mierostrip broad-band equalizer is presented. Branch mierostrip resonators are used to construct the equalizer, with thin-film resistors introduced into the resonators. The influence of the resistor on the resonant frequency of a microstrip resonator is analyzed through numerical simulations and experiments. By loading a thin-film resistor in the branch resonator, an adjustable quality factor is obtained. High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) is used to show that the microstrip branch resonator incorporated with this thin-film resistor loaded not only can be frequency adjustable, but also can be attenuation adjustable and quality factor adjustable. According to the different values of the thin-film resistor, four different resistor-loaded branch resonators are used to realize a 12 GHz band width microstrip equalyzer. The construction and the frequency performance curve are also given. The results show that this method of using thin-film resistor loaded branch resonator is quite suitable to broad-band microstrip equalizer.
Modern Radar