we detected uric systematic trace amount proteins of 90 neonatal infant,which include albumin,immune globulin G(IgG),N-acety 1-β-D-glucosaminidase(NAG)and retinol-binding protein(RBP).The newborn infants were divided into premature infant and full term infant groups.Which were compared with a group of healthy adule.The experiments revealed:the mean of uric systematic trace amount proteins in each newborn infant group is higher than that of adult(P<0.01),and in premature infant is higher than full term infants(P<0.01).The resule suggest that the large of gestational age,the mature of renal development.As a simple and sensitive method,this detection can be used in many ways.For example screening for renal damage by drug or evaluation of asphyxia neonatorum.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity