Specific primers were designed according to the rye-specific repetitive sequence pSc119.1 and were used for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis using the genomic DNA of two sets of sister TIRS·1BL translocations, CN12, CN17, CN18, 96 Ⅰ176-1 and 96 Ⅰ 176-3 as templates. The results indicated that the target fragments were amplified from CN12, CN17, and CN18. A target and a non-target fragment were produced from 96 Ⅰ 176-1. However, no products were obtained from 96 Ⅰ 176-3. Southern blot analysis indicated that the elimination of pSc119.1 did not occur in line 96 Ⅰ 176-3. Three target fragments were cloned from CN12, CN17, and CN18 respectively through recovering. For each target fragment, ten clones were selected randomly for sequencing. Variation of the sequence pSc119.1 was observed in all of the three wheat lines and line CN18 had the most obvious variation. Most of the 30 sequences had 94% or 95% similarity with the sequence pSc119.1 published and the variation of bases of these sequences. Most variations of most bases arose from Wansition, and a few of them were transversion. Furthermore, there was great coherence among these changed bases in type and site. The evolution process of progenies of wide hybrids may be continuous. For each set of sister 1RS·1BL translocation, difference of some traits was observed among the wheat lines or cultivars. The difference was probably related to the variation of the repetitive DNA. This research provides some useful information for studying on mechanism of epigenetics.