目的:探讨帕金森氏病患者(Park inson d isease,PD)血浆β-内啡肽(β-EP)放射免疫分析的价值。方法:采用放射免疫分析(R IA)测定35例PD患者血浆β-EP含量,并与30例正常对照组的测定结果相比较。结果:PD患者的血浆β-EP含量明显低于正常对照组(P<0.05),并且在高龄、病情重及伴痴呆和抑郁的患者血清中的含量降低更为显著(P<0.05)。结论:血浆β-EP的含量的降低与PD的发病以及病情进展和预后密切相关,通过R IA进行β-EP定量分析可为临床提供一个较好的PD诊治评估指标。
Objective To study the clinical significance of the determination of plasma β - EP levels with RIA in patients with parkinson's disease (PD). Methods The plasma levels of β - EP were determined with RIA in 35 patients with PD and 30 controls. Results The plasma levels of β - EP in patients with PD were significantly lower than those in controls. The levels were decreased more significantly in those patients who were eldery, severe, demential and depressive. Conclusion The decreased plasma levels of β - EP in PD patients might play some role in pathogenesis and were closely related to the severity of the disease and prognosis.
Journal of Radioimmanology