耐盐性不同的6个甜菜品种(系)幼苗在氯化钠浓度为280 mmol/L的营养液中生长16d,对一些生长指标、叶片叶绿素含量和硝酸还原酶(NRA)活性做了分析测定。结果:在氯化钠胁迫下,品种甜七和品系P4、P9、P10、P11、P25幼苗干物质积累量减少,叶面积缩小,叶片增厚,叶片NRA活性降低,叶片叶绿素含量却没有降低。与品种甜七和品系P4、P9比较,品系P10、P11、P25幼苗干物质积累量减少较低,幼苗的相对生长量高,盐害指数较低,叶面积的绝对值和相对值都较大,叶片较薄,叶片NRA降低量较小,说明品系P10、P11、P25耐盐性较强。
Six sugarbeet varieties (lines) with different tolerant to salt were planted in 280 mmol/L NaCl nutrition liquid for 16 days then the growth indices, chlorophyll content and nitrate reductase (NRA) were determined. The results showed that dry matter, leaf area and NRA activity of Tianyan7, and lines, P4, P9, P10, Pll, P5 were reduced under NaCl stress, and leaf thickness was increased, but their chlorophyll content of leaf was not varied. Compared with Tianyan7, P4 and P9, dry were reduced slightly, had big relative growth, absolute matter and NRA activity of the lines P10, P11 and P25 and relative leaf area index, thin leaf, and low saline stress index. The results indicated that sugarbeet lines, P10, P11 and P25 were strong tolerance to salt.
Sugar Crops of China
Sugarbeet varieties/lines
Saline tolerance
Physiological index