
美国政府与清朝的覆灭 被引量:9

The American Government and Collapse of Qing Dynasty
摘要 在1911-1912年中国政权发生鼎革之际,美国政府事前对清朝政府不久便在辛亥革命中覆灭并无先见之明。在如何对待中国国内各派政治势力上,尽管美国驻华外交官有不同意见,但美国政府始终奉行中立政策,既拒绝承认南方革命政权,也不主张帮助清朝政府或袁世凯势力镇压革命党人,反对有关国家干涉中国内政,寻求承认一个代表中国人民意愿的并具有权威性的合法政府。美国政府之所以在清帝逊位之前严格执行中立政策,既有当时中国国内政治因素,也有国际因素,同时与美国外交上的不干涉原则和孤立主义传统及美国的对华门户开放政策和美国国内舆论的影响不无关系。 From 1911 to 1912, when China witnessed the change of dynasties, American government did not know Qing was going to collapse. The attitude of America was kind of fence-sitting. This attitude had something to do with both the political situation in China and international factors. Besides, the US adhered to a noninterference principle and public opinions at home, which also influenced its policy towards Chins.
作者 崔志海
出处 《史林》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第6期4-24,共21页 Historical Review
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  • 1章开沅 林增平.《辛亥革命史》下册[M].人民出版社,1981年.第123页. 被引量:8
  • 2王纲领.《美国对辛亥革命之态度与政策》,中华文化复兴运动推行委员会编.《中国近现代史论集》第17编《辛亥革命》,台湾商务印书馆,1986年版,第1009-1048页. 被引量:2
  • 3'Memorandum on the Political Situations by Edward S · Little',January 15th,1910,Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of China,1910-1929 (hereafter RDS) (The US National Archives and Records Administration,Microcopy No.329). 被引量:1
  • 4'Henry P Fletcher to the Secretary of State',March 5,1910,RDS. 被引量:1
  • 5'Consul General at Hakow to the Secretary of State',April 18,1910,RDS. 被引量:1
  • 6'The Secretary of Navy to the Secrretary of State',May 16,1910,RDS. 被引量:1
  • 7'Calhoun to the Secretary of State',May 17,1910,telegram,RDS. 被引量:1
  • 8'Calhoun to the Secretary of State',May 28,1910,RDS. 被引量:1
  • 9'Calhoun to the Secretary of State',July 5,1910,RDS. 被引量:1
  • 10'Calhoun to the Secretary of State',August 23,1910,RDS. 被引量:1


  • 1Tentative Itinerary and Entertainment of His Imperial Highness Prince Tsai Hsun,From September 24th to October 2nd,RDS,Roll No.122. 被引量:1
  • 2Department of State to the President, September 27, 1910, RDS, Roll No. 122. 被引量:1
  • 3The Emperor of China to the President of the United States of American, December 1, 1910, RDS, Roll No. 122. 被引量:1
  • 4William Howard Taft to His Imperial Majesty, December 10, 1910, RDS, Roll No. 122. 被引量:1
  • 5Message of the President, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1910 (Washington: Goveminent Printing Office, 1915), pp. 12-15. 被引量:1
  • 6Calhoun to the Secretary of State, December 22, 1910, RDS, Roll No. 122. 被引量:1
  • 7Archibald Johnston to the Secretary of State, January 30, 1911, RDS, Roll No. 122. 被引量:1
  • 8Knox to the Secretary of Navy, February 3, 1911, RDS, Roll No. 122. 被引量:1
  • 9Mr. Wilson to Mr. Calhoun, March 24, 1911, RDS, Roll No. 122. 被引量:1
  • 10Mr. Calhoun to Secretary of State, March 27,1911, RDS, Roll No. 122. 被引量:1












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