
肛门直肠畸形直肠末端c-kit和干细胞因子受体表达的研究 被引量:5

Expression of c-kit and SCF in terminal rectums in patients with anorectal malformation
摘要 目的研究肛门直肠畸形(ARM)患儿直肠末端c-kit和SCF的表达水平,以探讨ARM患儿术后便秘的分子机制。方法通过RT-PCR方法研究10例高位、10例中位、8例低位ARM畸形和2例后天性肛瘘直肠末端c-kit mRNA和SCF mRNA的表达水平,并与正常对照组进行比较。结果与正常对照组相比较,c-kit mRNA、SCF mRNA的表达在高位ARM组、中位ARM组差异有显著意义(P<0.05),后天性肛瘘组、低位ARM组差异无显著意义(P>0.05)。结论低位ARM和后天性肛瘘直肠末端c-kit mRNA和SCF mRNA表达未见明显异常提示这两种疾病可能不影响患儿直肠末端Cajal间质细胞的发育和功能。高、中位ARM患儿直肠末端c-kit mRNA和SCF mRNA表达的减少可能是先天性的,将影响Cajal间质细胞的发育和功能,可能是患儿术后便秘产生的分子生物学证据之一。 Objective To investigate possible relationship between the e-kit and SCF expressions in terminal rectum and constipation in patients with anorectal malformation (ARM). Methods The expression of c-kit mRNA and SCF mRNA in terminal rectum were studied in the patients with high (n = 111),intermediate (n = 111),low (n = 8) anorectal malformation and 2 patients with acquired anal fistula. Five patients with no anorectal malformation formed the control group. Results The expression level of c-kit mRNA in control group,high ARM,intermediate ARM,low ARM and acquired anal fistula groups were 1.79 ± 11. 22,11. 67 ±11. 19,11. 89 ±11. 17,1.57 ±11. 25,1.68 ± 11. 18, respectively. Compared with control group, there were significant difference of expression level in the high and the intermediate ARM groups (P〈0. 05)whereas there was no significant difference in low ARM and acquired anal fistula groups (P〉 0. 05). The expression levels of SCF mRNA in control group, high ARM,intermediate ARM,low ARM and acquired anal fistula were 1.72 ±11. 19,11. 65 ±11. 16,11. 98 ±11. 19,1.61 ±11. 24, 1.69 ± 11. 14, respectively. There were significant difference of expression level in high and intermediate ARM groups(P〈0. 05)and no significant difference in low ARM and acquired anal fistula groups (P〉0. 05)compared with control group. Conclusions The results suggest that the concurrent developmental abnormality of interstitial cells of Cajal could contribute to post-operative constipation in patients with ARM.
出处 《中华小儿外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期631-634,共4页 Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号:30300370)
关键词 直肠 畸形 原癌基因 干细胞因子受体 Rectum,abnormalities Proto-oncogene Stem cell factor receptors
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