Objective:To harvest more primary osteoblasts(OB) derived from newly born SD rat calvarias by culture technique of enzymatic digestion-serial explant in vitro. Method:5 newly born SD rats were killed , the upper skull tissues of them were isolated by aseptic technique. Then erased completely the periosteum and snipped to 1--2 mm2 pieces. Digested by 0.25% trypsin for 20 minutes, then by O. 1% collagenase for 60 minutes three times. The liquid of second and third time was gathered and centrifuged. The cells were sub cultured in culture flask. The tissue blocks were repeatedly cultured by serial explant method for three or four times. The osteoblasts were purified by many times adhered. The osteoblasts were identified by morphology and Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) staining in cell. Result:The cultured cells had typical mor- phological characters of osteoblast, and ALP staining was positive. Conclusion:The osteoblasts cultured by technique of enzymatic dlgestion-serial explant in vitro have typical characteristics of osteoblast. The rats can be sufficiently utilized, and more osteoblasts can be harvested.
Chinese Journal of Traditional Medical Traumatology & Orthopedics