在新闻纸废纸浆分别添加超微粒子双元及三元助留助滤剂,测定浆的Zeta电位及PCD胶体电荷量,留着率及滤水时间,优化最佳的助剂添加量。实验证明双元助滤助滤剂N1、N2的添加量均为0.4kg/t,Zeta电位为-5.9mV,PCD为-244.4 ueq/L,留着率为75.37%,滤水时间为17.9 s,协同效果最好。三元助留助滤剂,N1、N2的添加量均为0.3kg/t,N3的添加量为1.3kg/t时,Zeta电位为-4.4mV,PCD为-244.0 ueq/L,留着率为81.34%,滤水时间为11.1 s,效果最佳。
Dual and ternary microparticle retention and drainage agents were added in the deinked ONP. PCD (particle charge detector) , zeta potential detector and DFS ( dynamics filtration system) were used as apparatuses in the experiment. The optimization results showed that in the dual-system, when the separating dosage of N1 and N2 was 0.4kg/t, zeta potential was - 5.9mV, PCD was - 244.4 ueq/L, retention was 75.37%, drainage time was 17. 9s. The synergistic results showed that in the ternary microparticle system, when the separating dosage of N1 and N2 was 0.3kg/t, N3 charges 1.3 kg/t , zeta potential was - 4.4mV, PCD was - 244 ueq/L, retention was 81. 34%, drainage time was 11.1 s.
Paper Science & Technology