通过优化腔型设计,实现了LD端面抽运Nd:YVO4腔内三次谐波转换全固态连续355 nm紫外激光器高效率输出。选用平-凹腔结构并考虑到Nd:YVO4晶体的热透镜效应、模式匹配、倍频晶体位相匹配等因素对输出功率的影响,对谐振腔长进行了详细的分析计算。在激光谐振腔内,1 064 nm的基频波经KTP晶体倍频产生532 nm激光,二者再经LBO晶体和频获得了355 nm紫外激光。当LD抽运功率为3 W时,355 nm连续紫外激光输出功率达6.4 mW。与折叠腔进行比较,发现在小功率抽运情况下,直腔结构紧凑、易于调节、输出功率较大。
A laser-diode (LD) pumped Nd:YVO4 all-solid-state 355 nm continuous-wave (cw) ultraviolet laser with intracavity freqaency tripling and efficient output was achieved by optimization design. By considering influence of the thermal lens effect of the Nd: YVO4 crystal, mode matching, phase matching et al on laser output power,a plate-concave cavity was designed finely. In cavity, the KTP crystal was used for second harmonic generation (SHG) of the fundamental 1 064 nm to generate 532 nm radiation, and the LBO crystal was used as a sum frequency (SM) of the 1064 nm radiation and the 532 nm radiation to generate 355 nm radiation. The cw 355 nm radiation of 6.4 mW is obtained with the pump power of 3 W. In comparison with the fold-cavity, the linear cavity has many advantages of more compact, easier for adjusting, and higher output power.
Optics and Precision Engineering