
西方教师研究发展中的问题及其转换 被引量:4

The Problems and Transformation in the Development of Western Teacher Research
摘要 20世纪中叶以来,教师研究逐渐成为西方教育研究者瞩目的焦点之一,它的发展经历了教师效果研究、教师认知加工研究、教师实践知识研究以及教师生态文化研究,教师研究经历了从外在到内在、从个体到关系的重大转换和发展。但由于每一种研究都有其适用范围和局限,所以并未出现一种研究独霸天下的局面,而是保持着多种研究并存的局面。 Teacher research has become one of the focuses gradually,which was taken into accout by western education researchers since the mid of 20th. From teacher effection research,teacher cognition process research, teacher practical knowledge research to teacher ecological culture research,teacher research experiences the important transformation and development from exterior to interior,from individual to relation,and cognition to the teachers becomes more and more rich and deep. Owing to every kind of research has its own advantages and disadvantages,it doesn't appear the phenomenon that one kind of research dominates the fields alone,but the case that several researches coexist.
作者 岳欣云
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第10期42-46,共5页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 教师研究 西方教育研究 适用范围 认知加工 实践知识 生态文化 teacher research problems transformation
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