一、经济开发条件优越 黄河上游经济带指青海龙羊峡至宁夏青铜峡的上游河段及其向两岸的辐射地带。跨越青海、甘肃和宁夏三省区,全长近1000公里,总面积约20万平方公里。除汉族外,这里居住着回、藏、蒙古等几十个少数民族,总人口约1000万。在全国经济格局中,本区是我国自然资源较为丰富的地区之一,尤以能源(水能和煤炭)、矿产资源最为突出。经过多年的开发建设,已初步形成了以兰州有中心能源、有色金属、石油化工、机械、建材等工业基地,是我国开发条件优越、开发潜力巨大的地区。 1.能源资源富集。
The economic exploitation on the upper reaches of the Huanghe River is in an advantagerous position. The hydroelectric resource exploitation is the key to a comprehensive exploitation of other natural resources and the economic promotion and territorial management . TV A model, and regional productive complex model can be uesd for reference. In order to speed up the exploitation of this area, suggestions are put forward, setting up ' constructive management bureau of economic area on the upper reaches of the Huanghe River',and making a good preparation for the exploitation .
Areal Research and Development