目的掌握龙岩市高危人群 HIV 感染现状和传播途径,为有效遏制艾滋病提供科学依据。方法对艾滋病高危人群进行血清学监测和相关知识问卷调查。结果在监测的11228例高危人群中,发现2例艾滋病病人和4例 HIV,感染率为0.05%。中青年男性为主要人群,性传播方式为主,其次是血液传播。对538名出入境人员开展艾滋病知识问卷调查,发现其掌握知识参差不齐,正确率为17.29%~81.60%。结论对出入境高危人群应通过各种渠道宣传教育,以提高艾滋病防制知识水平:应加强献血人员、吸毒人群和娱乐场所服务人员的 HIV 监测工作,防止 HIV 在高危人群中传播。
Objective Understand HIV infected status and the transmission ways of high dangerous population in Longyan City, which would be basis of preventing from HIV effectively. Methods Adopt serology surveillance and relative questionaire surveillance to high dangerous population. Results There were 2 AIDS and 4 HIV in 11 228 high dangerous people, the infectious rate was 0.05%. The main infectors were young men, sexy transmission was the major method, blood transmission following. There was great difference of HIV knowledge between 538 enty-exit people who had relative questionaire surveillance. The correct rate was between 17.29% and 81.60%. Conclusion Strengthening propagandizing and educating to high dangerous people in any way to improve the level of HIV knowledge. Enhacing HIV surveillance to blood donors, druggers and serving people in entertaiment places to preventing from HIV transmission in high dangerous population.
High dangerous population