With 24 strains of Fuji apple as materials, through extracting enzyme from leaves and leafstalks, the peroxiase isozyme of Fuji apple was studied. There were 11 peroxiase isozyme belts in leaves of Fuji apple strains. The amount and activity of the belts were different among some strains. Rf ranged from 0. 09 to 0.41. There were 11 peroxiase isozyme belts in leafstalks. Only Qiuful had Rf 0. 46 map, all strains possessed the other 10 belts. The Rf ranged from 0. 07 to 0.46. There were differences in belts between leaves and leafstalks. Leaves had three characteristic belts Rf 0. 09, Rf 0. 11 and Rf 0. 21. Leafstalks had Rf 0. 07 and Rf 0. 32 characteristic belts. Rf 0.46 was for Qiuful. The similar coefficients of leaves peroxiase isozyme belts between stains were between 0.71 to 1. Through cluster analysis, the strains were divided into 8 groups. It could identify four strains of Elitefuji, Shou Fuji, Qiuful and Yanfu3. The strains in different groups could also be identified.
Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University