Macroporous adsorption resin DA201-C and Sephadex G-15 gel filtration chromatograph were used for fractionation of ACE inhibition peptides from Alcalase hydrolyzed soy protein ( DH14% ). Amino acid analysis results suggested that soy peptides were eluted from DA201-C according to its hydrophobicity with gradient ethanol elution. ACE inhibition activity of 75% ethanol elution fraction was 56.52%, which was the highest among 4 soy peptide fractions. Vivo test showed that ACE inhibition activity of this fraction was still 49. 52% after pepsin and pencreatin treatment. Further fractionation of this fraction was performed on Sephadex G- 15 using 1 M acetic acid as elution buffer. As for the most active ACE inhibition fraction, the ACE inhibition activity was 69. 57%, IC50 0. 144 mg/mL.
Food and Machinery