Linux操作系统是一种支持多任务、多用户和多处理器的现代通用操作系统。2.6内核的Linux支持O(1)级进程调度算法,支持可抢占内核,相比于2.4内核具有更好的实时性能。文中基于Linux 2.6.10内核源代码,分析了Linux 2.6内核的进程调度系统。并在详细介绍关键数据结构的基础上,阐述了进程调度算法的原理,并对实时进程的支持作了分析。
Linux is a multi- users, multitasking general purpose operating system, which also supports SMP architecture. Linux 2.6 kernel supports O(1 ) process schedule algorithm and preemptive kemd, which offers better real time performance than 2.4 series kernel. Based on the 2.6.10 kernel source code, analyzes the process scheduler in linux 2.6 kernel in details. First, introduce the key data structures; then, a detailed address about process schedule algorithm is presented; finally, analyze the support for real time process in details.
Computer Technology and Development