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6Franz Xaver Perrez, Cooperative Sovereignty: from Independence to Interdependence in the Structure of International Environmental Law, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2000. 被引量:1
8Eva M. Komicker Uhlmann, "State Community Interests, Jus Cogens and Protectionof the Global Environment : Developing Criteria for Peremptory Norms", ( 11 ) Georgetown International Environmental Law Review 101, Fall, 1998, pp. 101-135. 被引量:1
9Edith Brown Weiss (ed.), Environmental Change and International Law: New Challenges and Dimensions, United Nations University Press, Tokyo, 1992. 被引量:1
10Alexandre Kiss, "The Implications of Global Change for the International Legal System", in Edith Brown Weiss ( ed. ), Environmental Change and International Law: New Challenges and Dimensions, United Nations University Press, Tokyo, 1992, p. 331. 被引量:1