目的了解2004年宕昌县沙湾镇病毒性肝炎流行特征,分析流行因素。方法采用流行病学调查方法对疫情资料进行分析。结果2004年沙湾镇共发生病毒性肝炎病例178例,发病率高达741.0/10万。以甲肝发病为主,占71.4%。各型肝炎发病均为男性高于女性。病毒性肝炎发病年龄多在2 ̄20岁之间,各型肝炎年龄分布情况不尽相同。结论2004年病毒性肝炎发病率明显高于往年,与2004年实行网上直报,并加大了《传染病防治法》的宣传与监督力度有关。还可能与环境卫生差,饮用生水等因素有关。建议改善环境卫生,加强疫苗接种。
Objective This analysis was to find out the epidemic features of viral hepatitis and the factors associated with its prevalence in Shawan town of Tanchang county in 2004. Methods The methods of epidemiological studies were used to do analysis on the data on the epidemic situations. Results 178 cases of viral hepatitis were diagnosed in Shawan town in 2004,the incidence as high as 741.0/lakh and hepatitis B predominant accounting for 71.4%. Men were affected more often than women in all types of hepatitis. Onset of viral hepatitis was mainly seen among the population aged 2 to 20 years with different age distribution among individual types of the disease. Conclusion The incidence of viral hepatitis was significantly higher in 2004 than in previous years, which was associated with the implementation of direct reporting through network system and the reinforcement of propaganda and supervision of the "Act on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases". The poor environmental sanitation and direct drinking of tap water also contributed to the prevalence of the disease. The improvement of environmental sanitation and reinforcement of vaccination are strongly recommended.
Disease Surveillance
viral hepatitis
epidemic features