Objective Our study is to use of 16 MSCT three-dimensionul images and multiplanar reconstruction images in the preoperative investigation of patients with congenital seoliosis, to study its technical advantage and work out surgical plan. Methods Twenty-seven pediatric patients with congenital seoliosis processing between April to October 2004 were reviewed, including 13 boys and 14 girls. X-ray plain fihn and sixteen multi-slice CT examination on crowed/standard multiplanar reconstruction and threedimensionul computed tomographie imaging may offer many potentiul advantages for defining congenital spine anomulies liable to cause progression of seoliosis, including visualization of the deformity in arty plane, front any angle, with the overlying structures subtracted. Results Ten patients had segmentation defects, 6 patients underwent formation defects, 11 patients had complex, unclassifiable anomulies. The patients of rib deformity were found in 15 patients, the most prominent part of the rib cage deformity was at the same level as the most rotated vertebra in 7 patients: 8 patients had vertebral anomulies accompanied with diastematomyelie, including 6 patients with uncompleted or completed bony spur. in 19 of 27 cases, the multiplanar reconstruction and three-dimensionul intages allowed identification of unrecognized malformations and completely evaluated the degree of seoliosis, during convenntionul X-ray images and axial CT images, including volume 3D imaging evaluated approximately classification and modulity of complex anomulies in 11 eases, which were unelassifiable mulformation in 7 cases and unsegmented bar with contralaterul hemivertebrae: 4 children had segmentation defects revealed unilateral unsegmented bar (3 cases) and bilateral block vertebra ( 1 case) in volume 3D reconstruction images: 2 children were found occultation hemivertebrae which were not been discovered during conventional X-ray intages and axial CT images: and 2 children were revaluated the amount of hemivertebrae. The c
Chinese Journal of Radiology