本文利用电化学的方法对速生阔叶木三倍体毛白杨硫酸盐浆进行了两段漂白的研究。结果表明,在无隔膜电解槽中,以钌钛涂层电极为阳电极,不锈钢为阴极,食盐水为电解液,在电流作用下采用两段电化学漂白能够达到纸浆快速漂白的效果。两段电化学漂白较为适宜的工艺条件为:第一段:初始pH为1.0,时间40m in,NaC l浓度1.5%,浆浓1%,室温,电流密度0.1A/cm2;第二段:初始pH值8.0,NaC l浓度1.5%,浆浓1%,40℃,电流密度0.06A/cm2,时间120m in。能够将Kappa值为13.4,粘度为1024 cm3/g的杨木硫酸盐浆漂至79.6%ISO,粘度为732cm3/g。传统CEH三段漂相比,在达到相同或相近漂后浆白度(80%ISO)时,电化学两段漂白所用时间较传统CEH三段漂缩短20m in,最终浆的粘度较CEH漂白浆高出7.3%,且电化学漂白废液COD cr含量较低。
The two-stage electrochemical bleaching of Triploid Populus Tomentosa kraft pulp was investigated in this paper. The results showed that the pulp could be effectively and rapidly bleached by two-stage electrolysis of the electrolyte containing NaCl in a non-diaphram electrolysis cell with ruthenium - titanium coated titanium as anode and stainless steel as cathode. The optimum process parameters of two-stage electrochemical bleaching were as follows : first stage: initial pH, 1.0 ; time, 40min; NaC1 concentration, 1.5% ; pulp consistency, 1% ; room temperature ; electric current density, 0.1 A/cm^2; second stage : initial pH , 8.0 ; NaCl , 1.5 % , pulp consistency, 1% ; temperature: 40℃, electric current density, 0.06A/cm^2; treatment time: 120min. At the optimum conditions the pulp with Kappa number 13.6 and viscosity 1024 cm^3· g^1 could be bleached to 79.6% ISO with viscosity 732 cm^3· g^-1 . Compared with CEH bleaching, the electrochemical bleaching could improve the viscosity by 7.3% and reduce the bleaching time by 20min as well as reduce CODcr content in the effluent at the condition of the similar resultant brightness of bleached pulp.
Paper Science & Technology
kraft hardwood pulp